


Hello and welcome to the Health section of our website.

Here we hope to support you with Sexual Health, Mental Health and general Well Being.
This is currently a work in progress and as this page grows with knowledge from various sources, we will try to provide you with various links to information, services, organisations and specialist groups who can provide you online with the information that you need.
We also hope to have a befriending service in the future for our trans community should people want to support with visits or trips to hospitals or clinics.

As always, we welcome all your suggestions and comments, so please send these via our contact section on the home page.

Please note the "One to One" project has its own page now.

Click here to be redirected.

Mental Health

The pandemic is affecting us all.

If you are struggling to cope with anxiety and depression, NHS talking therapies can help.

They're effective and confidential.

Your GP can refer you or you can refer yourself online.

Click on the image above to be redirected to the NHS Talking Therapies website.

Uplift is a free service for anyone in Sutton experiencing difficulties and symptoms related to stress, anxiety and depression.

We are currently working with them on a new LGBTQ tailored service for the Sutton Community

If you would like to self refere with Uplift please click here.

For Youth Mental Health services please click here for the Youth section.

Advice and understanding

You are always best placed to make decisions about your life. We want you to finish your call feeling you have options.


Open 10:00-22:00 every day   

Emails are typically replied to within 72 hours

Every seven seconds, we respond to a call for help.

No judgement.

No pressure.

We're here for anyone who needs someone.

Click on the image above to be redirected to the Samaritans website.

Information about depression, its symptoms and possible causes, and how you can access treatment and support. Includes tips on caring for yourself, and guidance for friends and family.

Click on the image above to be redirected.

Inspire is a community drug and alcohol service for anyone over the age of 18 living in the London Borough of Sutton. You can refer yourself or be referred by your GP, housing provider, probation and other professionals.

We also run a service for under 18s called Switch Sutton

Click on the image above to be redirected.

Click on the button below to download the pdf.

Download File

Mattrix is our free social and support group for gay and bisexual men taking place online.

For more info, dates and sign-up email

General Health

For General Well Being and local health services in your area of Sutton check out the Sutton CCG website by clicking on the image below.

Sexual Health

Health Tests

LB of Sutton currently commission Spectra to do health tests and provide information on sexual health including a free condom service in the Sutton Libraries.

You can check out the links  to Spectra to find out what they are up to in the area.

St Helier Hospital also provides a GUM Clinic service at both the Rosehill Clinic (St Helier Hospital) and also

the Jubilee Clinic (Shotfield Wallington). Click here for the link to their website.

If you prefer to go outside of Sutton there are a number of HIV testing service providers such as

 56 Dean Street and THT in London.

Pride in Practice

We are thrilled that after some hard work by our chair 6 GP surgeries have signed up to the Pride in Practice training.
If you would like your surgery to be part or this wonderful LGBTQ+ training (which is currently free until April 2020) ask them to drop the forum an email and we will get the ball rolling.

Pride in Practice is a quality assurance and social prescribing programme that strengthens and develops Primary Care Services’ relationships with their lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) patients.

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