Well hello there,
Its been a rather strange time for us all over the past months, trying to keep safe, healthy and remain calm with the news of the many things that have been happening around us.
Forum and TranSutton have been working hard during these times, and while we had to suspend many of our events, thanks to our chair we were still able to continue our support via phone and email for those who needed it.
Our hard efforts were rewarded this year when, again thanks to our Chair and Cllr Short, Sutton had its first Rainbow crossing installed, pictures can be found from the home page.
We said prayer on Trans Day of Remembrance, and as I go over the events of the day and the year I can't help but think of all the people across the world who are on their own and have been persecuted for trying to to live their lives as the person they know they are, who have been murdered with no one to morn them.
As we remember them in this country and across the world, the list of names never seem to get shorter but their voices will be herd and their stories told.
If you have any questions or think there is something I have missed then please feel free to contact me here or via the
new Facebook group . I will be posting dates for the TranSocials when we can able to meet up in small groups.
I look forward to seeing you soon, and would like to wish you all a Very Happy New Year.
Love and very best wishes,
Rachel xxx
Polite Notice to Mention
Whilst in the tier 4 the Sutton LGBTQ+ forum and TranSutton reviewed its safeguarding policy to ensure the management team, the public and its volunteers are keep safe now and ongoing into the future.
One of the things that has changed from the policy is we are no longer able to pick people up or take them home now or going forward into the future.
If you would like to attend but are unable able to get public transport we will help find a taxi company or help you set up an Uber account, its easy and you don't need to worry about not having change.
We also took the time to reinvest with technology and so there is a brand
new office mobile number for you to contact us along with a few new email addresses, so we ask politely if you can delete the old ones as they will not be answered.
I am proud to say we are working hard to resume a normal service and continue with the projects we started this year including the new TranSocials and "One to One".
While we are unsure when we are able to meet up we are now offering help,advice and support via Zoom meetings, What's apps and telephone calls. I
f you would like some help visit the "One to One" page by clicking here and book a slot.
Ps you can visit our new FB page by clicking below.
Please follow the Government
Guidelines Stay Home, Protect the NHS and Save Lives.