

News and updates from Sutton and LGBT London

We are aware of the necessity for an LGBTQ+ youth group is Sutton.

We are currently working and  in discussions with local organisations to make steps forward for this much needed service.

If you would like to volunteer with helping setup this up please do get in contact via our email or if you wish to help by way of a small donation then please click on the link in the Youth section of our website.

If you do need urgent help or advice, please check out the

 Youth section of our website by clicking here.

The forum celebrated its 10 years anniversary in 2021.

We were joined on the 27th of February and 20th March by some lovely people to help us celebrate the past 10 years the forum has been working hard to supporting its LGBTQ community in Sutton.


Since we started, we have advised, supported and listened to the LGBT community in Sutton.

We have marched at London Prides, Brighton and Trans Prides and supported our colleagues at other boroughs.

We held History Month nights, movie nights, a walk in housing support group in partnership with Stonewall Housing, raised money for THT and World Aid’s Day.

We have held many Sunday Brunches, a Youth Group and a Women's evening.

These past years we have had  Suttons PRIDE crossing installed and very proud to have had the very first UK Trans Crossing last year, which quickly followed with Sutton's first Trans Clinic.

These are just some of the achievements from the forum over the past 10 years and we hope to have many more to come and hey maybe you can join us in our work.

We are now looking for enthusiastic and passionate people to come and be part of our family at the forum.

If you are interested or have some ideas for future projects or events, then please email us via the address below

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